CIS IB Classroom Cuisine Uniform Compass

How to Enrol

Step 1 - Are you in our school zone?

Please use the Find My School website, to see if you are inside our zone or not.


Step 2 - Enrolment Forms

These forms are also available in hard copy from our school's office

1) Please complete this Head Lice Inspection Consent

2) Please complete ONE of these enrolment forms below, depending on whether you live inside our zone, or outside our zone (see Step 1 above)

3) Please see our Enrolment Checklist, for any additional documents we may require for your child's enrolment.


Step 3 - Submit

Bring all documents to the school OR download, fill out, and return by email to:

Parent Payment Policy: Our Parent Payment Policy outlines ENPS expectations in regards to the financial payments requested of families in order to enable Essendon North Primary School to maximise student learning outcomes. These expectations align directly with Victorian Department of Education and Training. You can find this on our Policies page.


Step 4 - Book in a tour

Once you've submitted your enrolment, we'd love you to come for a tour. We enjoy meeting all of our new students and their families, and we'd love to show you around the school. This helps us to give your child the best possible transition to ENPS as well.


Step 5 - Follow up from us

Once you've submitted everything, and you've had a tour, our wonderful office team will let you know what happens next.

If we can accept your enrolment, we'll then let you know the specific date your child can start. We'll also go through everything you might need to know, before your child starts with us.

Once we've officially confirmed your enrolment, please go to the link below.

What's Next?